September 17, 2008

  • Moon child

    I'm a moon child, born in the Sun-sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon... and what a sight to behold last night! I was up @ 4:30 EST, to let one of the cats in or out (I forget which!), & it was so bright out I first thought the porch light was still on... then within seconds I realized it was the gorgeous full moon, so close, so bright, it was breathtaking!  Someone @ work said it's the Harvest Moon... don't know about that, maybe someone else does?  All I know, she was gorgeous!  and quite beautiful again tonight too, with almost an "aura" around her... I wonder why/how the whole "man" in the moon myth got started? how did the stories of the moon maiden, and Goddess of the moon get forgotten? how did we become such a patriarchal society vs. a matriarchal one? looks like some interesting research for me to do...

    WOW:  Remember to look up! literally! it's amazing what there is to see... turn off all the electronics & just sit somewhere where you can observe Nature...

    Love & (Moon)Light ~ Enna

August 18, 2008

  • Why?

    So, why are we here, anyway? That's what I've been thinking about this evening while playing Bejeweled2... for some reason playing that game gets me in a mediatative, almost hypnotic state at times, & I end up thinking on a deeper level than normal... this is depressing stuff! maybe that's why ppl don't think on this level very often... I mean, if we're just random specks in the universe, what's an individual's purpose? and more pointedly, then, of what value am I? I've produced 2 children and raised them to be pretty good ppl... is that why I was born? I strive to educate & help ppl daily w/ their problems... is that why I was born? or is Life just a cosmic pinball game, & we're the balls pinging around?  I was raised CRC, but I just don't buy all the crap I was handed growing up... I've felt Energy around me, and know I'm part of it, but I really don't know about the "religious" stuff at all... maybe religions were created to help ppl deal w/ the panic & depression of feeling vastly insignificant... 

    WOW:  Dare to ask the deep questions & dare to find the answers if you can...

    Love & Light to all the other specks floating w/ me in the Universe...

    Namaste', Enna

July 17, 2008

  • Summer - hot, glorious, drowsy, wonderful... my favorite Season! my birthday Season, too... wish it was 6 months long...

    Not much happening... the minutes roll by into hours, days, weeks, months... then you wake up one day & you're older, and you kind of shake your head & wonder: when did that happen?...

    WOW:  Let your consciousness flow, let your Life flow, & enjoy!

    Love & Light as you flow merrily down the stream...

    Namaste' ~ Enna

May 23, 2008

  • Well, another month slipped by too fast! Spring is definitely here, my irises that I transplanted last year began blooming the other day (one bunch anyway), my tom-cat, Jack, is practically living outdoors, and the blessed sun is back!! I feel almost "good" most days again! I truly wish I can go off the pills some day. 

    Both boys will be living with us again by end of July - wow! they are motivated to go to college & get better lives, so we're helping them by letting them live here free; plus RB is going to pay for their jr. & sr. years... Fantastic! I have to admit, I love it having them around! wish we had huge enough property for everyone to have their own houses, but be close...  like in the old days... but you'd really have to like your family to do this... I wouldn't be able to handle my parents or sister living close to me, just my kids... and their friends, cuz I've gotten to know some of them & they feel like family...

    WOW (remember, this means Wyrds-Of-Wysdom):  Cherish yourself, your loved ones, and dear Mother Earth. 

    Love & Light along your Path...

    Namaste', Enna

April 19, 2008

  • Good to ck out a few "old" Xanga friends... some moving on, some moving inward, all moving... such is Life, right? ever moving, like water - sometimes a trickle, other times a torrent, & for me @ times like a stagnant pool! yuk!  But I believe in change, & since I hate stagnancy in any form, especially water cuz it gets gross & stinky, I know change is afoot... I have thought that this "phase" I'm going thru is related to the fact I turn 50 this year.  Pretty weird. Cuz 50 sounds old, but I still relate better to young people, so this is disconcerting to me.  Plus I am SO FUCKING BORED with everything! my job bores me, my home life bores me... relationships don't bore me, so there's the clue...

    WOW:  Relationships (good ones) truly are the Stuff of Life!  Cherish them, nurture them, revel in them!

    Love & Light along your path, Enna


March 15, 2008

  • Quick update:  Spring is finally peeking around the corner of Winter! Yeah!! J2 is NOT going to Florida now b/c he & D1 broke up & his original plan had been to live w/her & her mom, so that would be a bit awkward now... so I'm not sure of his longterm plans anymore - hopefully he'll let me know... haven't seen J1 in almost 2 months -- I miss him like crazy! in a weird way I wish my kids could always live w/ me, like a big happy community/commune-type living arrangement... I miss their friends, too!  Does that mean I don't have enough friends of my own? Hmmm... don't think so, though - my friends are all married & busy w/ their families & lives.. we see each other occasionally but not often... And I'm not one to be on the phone a lot; I do too much of that @ work! When I come home I tend to isolate, which is my way of de-stressing from work & charging up my internal battery!  I've been thinking more & more that when I retire I really need to live somewhere like where I used to:  a cottage-type house w/woods & water in close proximity...

    W.O.W. ~~ Be true to yourself in all you do!

    Namaste', Enna

    ~Love & Light~

February 4, 2008

  • not many ppl post anymore... hmmm... maybe cuz I don't visit them? whatever... I've been busy doing other stuff... kinda like Life, that way... everything ebbs & flows, including writing in Xanga... I've got a life-time acct., so we'll see as the time ticks away...


    • twins are almost 4 months old!  so cute & growing so fast!

    • J2 moving to Florida late March... don't know how long he'll be gone... says he'll come back & visit, but if he gets a job, he can't just take off & visit whenever he wants... so I'll go down there & visit!

    • thinking seriously of getting the hardware out of my leg - this winter has been weird w/ my leg, all kinds of aches & pains so that's why getting the metal out seems to be a logical choice to relieve some of that;

    • bored, bored, bored... still working out the whys & wherefores of that.

    W.O.W.:  Live Life with your senses wide open!  Look @ what you do & ask why...

    Love & Light, Enna


January 8, 2008

  • Well, Happy New Year!  It's a momentous year for me b/c I turn 50. very weird.  I don't feel old, & 50 seems like such an old #! but when I realize RB is 58, going to be 59 this year, that doesn't seem to compute somehow... maybe cuz it's someone else, not me... so I'm going to Celebrate in '08... catchy, huh?!  I am going to get a beautiful tatoo on my back - it's a Celtic mandala including a celtic cross & myriads of celtic swirls & tiny flowers, done in primarily blue tones but w/ a red & gold sun design in the center.  I am also going to try to get more fit this year, to help celebrate the Mother-to-Crone phase of my life...

    WOW:  Declare something to celebrate in '08!

    Love & Light to you who read this...

    Namaste', Enna

December 23, 2007

  • Well, I'm on day 2 of 11 days of not working!  Woo-hoo!!  I'm counting the wkends. as well cuz that makes it seem longer... Haven't ever had this much time off!  I'm nursing a sinus infection, though, but am confident it won't hamper my whole time off.

    Weird weather! It was in the 40s yesterday, then it rained for a good while during the night & early morning, now the wind has picked up & it's snowing... we're recipients of an Arctic blast coming in over Lake Michigan... glad I'm in my nice warm house!  And I truly feel bad for the unfortunates who don't have heating, or don't even have housing... May they be supported and comforted somehow!  And on that note...

    ...We're spoiled - plain & simple.  We complain when we don't have this or that, or "only" have $100 for whatever... We bitch about our jobs (that allow us to live in nice homes with lots of stuff, put food on the table, and pay bills)... We anesthetize ourselves with excesses:  food, booze, spending, entertainment... We watch the news & don't really "feel" what's going on, b/c there's so much stupid TV that touts itself as entertainment, that when we see a trajedy on the news, we react to it like we're watching just another reality show...

    We need to live Life wide-open!  Easier said than done, I know...

    WOW:  Breathe deep the power from within... dare to expand your comfort zone... reach out to someone less fortunate than you... Be more...

    Love & Light...


    ~~ Enna

December 13, 2007

  • Winter Wonderland - that's western Michigan these days! I admit it's beautiful, like powdered sugar on top of everything... but the cold, dry air I could do without... Gee, in 3 months we'll be past the Spring Equinox already!! So I've been hibernating, working, not doing a whole lot... my typical Winter activities... I have a good chunk of time off over the Christmas/New Year holidays, so I hope to get some sewing projects done, clean up this laptop I'm typing on right now so I can load and play all my Sims2 games, and maybe - just maybe - start a walking regime.  My leg is healed up, but it still gets achy, so I'm thinking I've gotta work those muscles, so walking is the best thing.  Plus there's all the other benefits to walking: namely stress-relief & tightening up the flab...


    Love & Light to you, my fellow travellers...

    Namaste', Enna