Month: December 2008

  • Merry Yule!

    We're going to hit record snowfall in Michigan this Winter, I'm betting... it's been snowing every day except one since Dec. 1.  The past 3 days it's been basically blizzard conditions, & I have not literally been outside for 2 of those 3 days!  I daily pray for strength to endure this, cuz I am NOT a winter person, & I always get bad sinusitis & other related respiratory infections.  I wonder if I'll need to move to a warmer climate as I become older, just to stay healthy!

    I am trying to stay positive, thus the title of this post:  Merry Yule!  This season can be a time of joy and blessings if we choose to see it, so I've been reading up on the stories, legends & myths that abound in various cultures.  You might choose to do the same.  Or another thing I do during Winter is my own version of hibernating:  I cook more, snuggle into blankets more, and "turn inwards" more to reflect on whatever needs reflection, and muse about the upcoming new year and the opportunities it could present.

    WOW:  "May this Yule time be Merry, may the Season be sweet; and may you be blessed by all whom you meet." - made up on the spot by... Enna

    Love and Light to you...
